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Getting Started

Funded Engineer offers programs that are designed to offer traders the unique opportunity to engage in trading without the need to risk their personal funds.

Each program comes with its own set of objectives and guidelines, which play a crucial role in the learning process. By adhering to these rules, traders can fine-tune their trading strategies, developing a deeper understanding of market dynamics and risk management.

You trade using simulated accounts. This setup not only provides a secure trading environment but also allows traders to earn rewards based on the profits they generate from these simulated trades.

Funded Engineer offers programs that are designed to offer traders the unique opportunity to engage in trading without the need to risk their personal funds.

Each program comes with its own set of objectives and guidelines, which play a crucial role in the learning process. By adhering to these rules, traders can fine-tune their trading strategies, developing a deeper understanding of market dynamics and risk management.

You trade using simulated accounts. This setup not only provides a secure trading environment but also allows traders to earn rewards based on the profits they generate from these simulated trades.

First, select the program and account size that best aligns with your trading approach. Then, finalize your registration with a one-time registration fee. You will automatically receive your login credentials via email.

Should you not receive your login details within an hour of account purchase, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via our website’s chat support or by emailing livesupport@fundedengineer.com, and we will promptly assist with your order.

Funded Engineer is a trading evaluation company. We meticulously assess traders and leverage their data to generate profits within our organization. It is important to clarify that traders are not investors, do not deposit funds into the company and the company does not act as a custodian of any funds. The 80% split represents a performance commission for the efforts of a trader and not actual realized gains.

All trading is done on a simulated (virtual) funded account. At no point does a trader at Funded Engineer trade on real live funds or act as an investor. The entire process is confined to a simulated environment.

At Funded Engineer, your FX Capital is determined by the size of the challenge that you purchase. Upon successfully passing the Challenge, you will receive a Simulated Funded account of the same account size as the Challenge Account size.

We provide the opportunity to trade up to 600,000 USD of simulated capital per trader. Traders have the flexibility to allocate this capital across any of the four unique trading programs we offer.

– Standard Challenge
– Superior Challenge
– Superior Lite Challenge
– Turbo Challenge

We offer our traders various Programs designed to suit their trading preferences, including a 1-Step Challenge.

We offer a wide range of Account sizes starting from 6,000 USD up to 300,000 USD in all of our programs.

If a trader has achieved multiple Simulated Funded Accounts, they can put in a request to merge their accounts. However, merge requests will be approved for up to a maximum after merge capital of 300,000 USD. Kindly refer to the merge criteria

While Standard Profit-split offered in each program is 80%, you have the opportunity to increase the Profit-split up to 90% through our Scaling Plan. It also allows traders to grow their Account size by 40% every 4 months. (Conditions apply)•

Note: Kindly make sure that you do not exceed the maximum FX Capital allocation limit of 600,000 USD. If a user is seen registering through multiple IDs, Funded Engineer reserves the right to terminate the accounts.

Funded Engineer is not a broker; rather, it operates as a Simulated trading Evaluation company. Following the successful completion of 1 or 2-phase challenges, our clients gain access to Simulated Funded accounts.

Currently, we offer Purple Trading Seychelles for all account sizes of all 4 unique programs offered. Learn about the commission charges per lot for each market here.

Your Challenge will begin as soon as you place your first trade on the account after purchase.

There is no minimum trading days requirement on any of our programs. As soon as you achieve the trading objectives, you will be upgraded to the next phase. At the same time, there is no maximum trading days limit either. Therefore, it is advised to use it to your advantage and take as long as you need to meet the trading objectives.

We welcome traders globally. However, all applicants must be at least 18 years of age. Unfortunately, there are certain countries where we are restricted from providing our services due to sanctions. They are as follows:

1- Cuba
2- Syria
3- Iran
4- Vietnam
5- Lebanon
6- Pakistan
7- Iraq
8- UAE
9- Kosovo
11- North Korea

Apart from the list of countries above, our services are not available to individuals with criminal records and/or individuals previously banned due to a breach of our terms.

If you have any unanswered questions simply email livesupport@fundedengineer.cfd, and we’ll aim to reply within 24 hours.

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